The ticket is $280 in Saskatchewan and some people think it should be the “New DUI” as it is the leading cause in vehicular collisions, but the answer is to just put the phone away until you are stopped, it simply isn’t worth it to get in an accident over something like that especially when statistics say how dangerous this bad habit really is.
Read these 5 shocking statistics about distracted driving here:
1. Nearly 3/4 Canadian’s admit to distracted driving.
2. You are 23 TIMES more likely to be in an accident if you are texting and driving!
3. You are 4 – 5 times more likely to crash if you are talking on the phone (even hands free) and 3 times more likely when applying makeup.
4. Distracted drivers fail to see 50% of their driving environment meaning they may think they are looking, but there not actually watching what’s happening around them.
5. 80% of collisions involve some type of distraction to the driver.
Now if we do some basic math with the above statistic of “80% of collisions involve distracted driving” and there were 2,227 fatalities in Canada alone from vehicle collisions in 2010 and take 80% of 2,227 you are left with 1,781 fatalities caused by some sype of distracted driving in 2010, that’s a pretty big number of deaths for something like that so please be careful out there and PUT THE PHONE DOWN!
Stay Safe Out There!